When: Friday 4th October 2024 8pm-9.30pm online via Zoom.
Hosted by: WMIP Analytic Film Group
We meet regularly online (once every couple of months) and bring analytic thinking to discussions on a range of films. Group members suggest film and at the end of each session we draw the title for our next session. Films are introduced by the proposer who invites the group members into an exploration from a psychological perspective
“Built upon the mantra that no idea is too outlandish (and that there’s no such thing as a cheap laugh), Beau Is Afraid presents a deranged melange of Oedipal angst, terrified misogyny and self-loathing male fantasy.
Bean is afraid plot
Beau is Afraid is the most recent film from American director Ari Aster. More surreal odyssey than narrative story, this labyrinthine tale follows the mild mannered but paranoia-ridden Beau as he embarks on a lengthy and fever dream like journey to get home to his mother’s funeral. On the way he comes face to face with his greatest fears.
At times it can all start to feel like a migraine – woozy, nauseating and very long. Elsewhere it has the sharp, psycho slapstick twang of being smacked in the face with a frying pan while simultaneously stepping on a Freudian rake, or slipping on a Buñuelian banana skin.” – (Mark Kermode The Guardian 23.5.2023)
Booking is required
Booking is required. Please email laurachaisty19@gmail.com to register your details by Friday 4th October.
Joining instructions will be sent out just after 5pm on the day.
This is a FREE event open to WMIP members only
For more information about joining us, please visit https://wmip.org/join-us/