BBC2 Couples Therapy | Dr Orna Guralnik

The docu-series ‘Couples Therapy’ offers an interesting insight into the work of US therapist Dr Orna Guralnik, and includes her own sessions with her supervisor and the impact of the covid pandemic on her work. There are three seasons, and the first two are currently available on the BBC iPlayer

BBC Two – Couples Therapy

Polyvagal Theory & The Process Of Healing Traumas | Dr. Stephen Porges

 “Polyvagal theory was developed by Stephen Porges and helps us to understand the bodily processes of dissociation. The vagus nerve is the largest nerve in the body and governs many bodily systems including breathing, heart rate and the fight-flight, freeze defence systems. In this Youtube interview Porges explains how, through understanding these bodily processes, we become better informed, not only as therapists but in the way we live our lives. For us to live well we need to feel safe.”


This Jungian Life | Lisa Marchiano, Deb Stewart, Joseph Lee

Eavesdrop on three Jungian analysts as they engage in lively, sometimes irreverent, conversations about a wide range of topics as they share what it’s like to see the world through the depth psychological lens provided by Carl Jung. The conclusion of each episode is spent discussing a dream sent by a listener

Dreaming Myself into Old Age: One Woman’s Search for Meaning | Lily Iona MacKenzie

Newly released hybrid memoir, Dreaming Myself into Old Age: One Woman’s Search for Meaning that Shanti Arts Press has published in both print and Kindle. Dreaming invites readers to join my quest for self-discovery. Since my twenties, I’ve forged a relationship with my nightly dreams by recording them daily in journals and reflecting on them. At times, I’ve also worked with Jungian analysts who have helped me go deeper into my dreams. As a result, I’ve found that the dream world often sheds light on daily events and concerns, leading to insights that I otherwise might not have discovered. This daily ritual continues, the basis for my writing Dreaming Myself into Old Age.
Click here for further details


Podcasts |Christopher Bollas

Christopher Bollas is a member of the British Psycho-Analytical Society and is an independent thinker. He lives in America and enjoys a popular following; the link takes you to his website where there are videos and podcasts covering a variety of subjects relevant to today’s society


Latest IPCC report is code red for humanity.” (UN Secretary-General António Guterres (9th August 2021)

What does “code red” mean for psychotherapists?  Climate Psychology Alliancecurrently chaired by WMIP member Judith Anderson, has been exploring these issues for over a decade. They offer many resources, particularly Podcasts  a Handbook, resources for young people and trainings such as Through the Door and How to facilitate a Climate Café. Psychoanalyst Sally Weintrobe’s latest book Psychological Roots of the Climate Crisis and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist Ro Randall’s blogs and podcasts are great contributions from CPA members.  For useful updates on climate science I recommend the Climate Crisis Advisory Group website and their monthly public meetings.


Speaking of Jung: Interview with Jungian Analyst- Episode 64 |Donald Kalsched