The Commodification Of Trauma And Refugees. Dangers And Therapeutic Implications

When: Saturday 15th June 2024

Speaker: Renos Papadopoulos, PhD

This commodification, although it is developed very subtly, it tends to have not so subtle effects, and the resulting multiple dangers are considerable. This presentation aims to analyse the complex contingencies that create these situations, and their detrimental impact across a wide range of spheres. Throughout, the focus will be on the therapeutic dimensions and not the socio-cultural ones. Specific themes that will be examined will be the construction of victim identities and the transformational potentialities of such adversities.

Renos Papadopoulos, PhD., is Professor and Director of the ‘Centre for Trauma, Asylum and Refugees’ at the University of Essex; training and supervising Jungian psychoanalyst and family psychotherapist. As consultant to many organisations, he has been working with refugees, tortured persons, trafficked people and other survivors of political violence and disasters in many countries. His writings have appeared in 18 languages. The ‘International Association of Jungian Studies’ gave him the ‘C.G. Jung 2022 Award’ for life-time contribution to Jungian scholarship.

St Paul’s Convent, 94 Selly Park Road, Selly Park, Birmingham B29 7LL and via Zoom between 10.15am – 12.45pm

£50 for WMIP members and £60 for non-WMIP members whether attending in person or via Zoom

Booking form

Please make BACS payments as follows:

Bank: Barclays, Sort Code: 20-08-44, Account No: 03737950

Account Name: The Training in Jungian Analytical Psychotherapy

(Please use your name as a reference)

For further details and queries contact:

Sue Harford, Administrator to the Training Committee,

telephone: 07789 545908, email:


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