Thoroughly unprepared…Speaker Elizabeth Simpson

Recording available

Speaker: Elizabeth Simpson

Elizabeth’s paper examines some of the features of life transitions, at midlife and later, into old age, with special reference to the elder therapist in transition.

With a ‘access the recording here’ button

“Thoroughly unprepared…” looks at the progression of psyche and its development processes, beginning with the so-called midlife crisis, as described by Dr Murray Stein, and asks how far this model can help us understand more clearly the later psychic change process in elder life.

About Elizabeth Simpson

Elizabeth Simpson is a retired Jungian psychotherapist, who was an active member of WMIP until a few years ago. She taught in the Jungian training and is an ex-Chair of the Trustees. She represented WMIP at UKCP and became Chair of the Analytic Training Committee, actively participating in the evaluation of trainings across the country. In retirement she has been developing her writing interests, and now shares the running of a group of writers, who meet regularly to think about their work and support each other.

 Recording available for £20

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